PacBio Sequel II
PacBio Revio
The state-of-the-art sequencing platform. PacBio instruments generate highly accurate (>99.9%) HiFi reads, to sequence reliably any region of any genome
Agilent Femto Pulse
Agilent Bioanalyzer 2100
State of the art instruments to accurately size and qualify any nucleic acid
Invitrogen Qubit 4
Thermo Scientific™ NanoDrop One
Complementary methods for nucleic acid quantification
Diagenode Megaruptor® 3
Sage Science BluePippin
Sage Science Pippin HT
Sage Science Pippin HT
DNA shearing and size fractionation for optimal sequencing results
Pac cluster: 256 cores, 4 TB RAM, about 300 TB storage
EagI cluster: 640 cores, 5 TB RAM, about 200 TB storage
University of Arizona's HPC
Plenty of on hand computational resources