Service Center Price List

AGI Service Center services and price list, approved by the University of Arizona Financial Services office and valid from June 1, 2024.

Internal prices are granted to all projects paid from UA, ASU, or NAU accounts.  All other projects will be charged the external price.  To request a service, submit a service request formThis page has more information about sample requirements, and here are the answers to some frequent questions.

Service Description Internal External
gDNA extraction, standard DNA extraction in 50 ml tube, standard prep    
gDNA extraction, complex DNA extraction in 50 ml tube, complex prep    
gDNA extraction, 8 standard samples DNA extraction in 50 ml tube, standard prep    
RNA extraction, 2 ml tube RNA extraction in two 2 ml tubes, standard prep    
gDNA extraction, HT96 block DNA extraction from 96-well block, set of 2    
RNA extraction, HT96 block RNA extraction from 96-well block, single plate    
DNA/RNA QC Quality control of extracted nucleic acids    
Miscellaneous lab operations, consultation Other wet lab operations, hourly labor, and consumables at cost    
HiFi library, SPK v3.0 beads selection WGS library (v3), includes DNA shearing and sample barcoding. Bead-based DNA selection    
HiFi library, SPK v3.0 Pippin HT selection WGS library (v3), includes DNA shearing and sample barcoding. Gel-based DNA selection    
Additional reaction for HiFi library Additional reagents, for 2nd or additional Revio cell    
cDNA synthesis, Iso-Seq express 2.0 kit cDNA synthesis, includes barcoding, no array    
Amplicon or short insert library, SMRTbell Prep Kit v3.0 Short fragment library, includes barcoding    
Ribosomal RNA depletion added to cDNA synthesis service as needed    
RNA Kinnex array, Iso-Seq (8-fold) Concatenation of cDNAs and SMRTbell library, Kinnex protocol    
Revio SMRT Cell, 24 h run, binding kit v3 Revio sequencing, all applications, 20-30 h    
16S Kinnex protocol, 96 samples - amplification 16S amplification with 12x32 primers - 1 plate, no array, no sequencing    
16S Kinnex protocol, 192 samples - amplification 16S amplification with 12x32 primers - 2 plates, no array, no sequencing    
16S Kinnex protocol, 288 samples - amplification 16S amplification with 12x32 primers - 3 plates, no array, no sequencing    
16S Kinnex protocol, 384 samples - amplification 16S amplification with 12x32 primers - 4 plates, no array, no sequencing    
16S Kinnex array (12-fold) Concatenation of 16S amplicons and SMRTbell library, Kinnex protocol    
Hi-C and Illumina libraries Hi-C library: nuclei extraction, Hi-C, and sequencing library    
Bioinformatic analyses Bioinformatic analyses, labor only    

All costs include labor, operational expenses, and administrative fees.

∗ does not include deep sequencing