Isolation and expression of an anther-specific gene from tomato
Mol Gen Genet. 1989 Jun;217(2-3):240-5
Plant Gene Expression Center, USDA-ARS, Albany, CA 94710.
We have isolated and sequenced an anther-specific cDNA clone and a corresponding genomic clone from tomato. The gene (LAT52) encodes an 800-nucleotide-long transcript that is detectable in pollen, anthers and at 20-to 50-fold lower levels in petals. LAT52 mRNA is not detectable in pistils, sepals or non-reproductive tissues. Steady-state levels of LAT52 mRNA are detectable in immature anthers containing pollen at the tetrad stage and increase progressively throughout microsporogenesis until anthesis (pollen shed). The LAT52 gene contains 5â² and 3â² untranslated regions of 110 and approximately 150 nucleotides, respectively, and a single intron with a highly repetitive sequence. A TATA box motif is located 28 nucleotides upstream of the transcription start site. The gene encodes a putative protein of 18 kDa that is cysteine rich and has an N-terminal hydrophobic region with characteristics similar to eucaryotic secretory signal sequences. LAT52 is a single or low copy gene in tomato and shares homology with sequences in tobacco.