​AGI Data Download & Delivery


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     Arizona Genomics Institute

AGI Data Download & Delivery

Hosted @ The University of Arizona

“Out with the old, In with the new”

Please keep the following in mind.  Beginning on the date the Administrator notifies you your data is ready (T), it will be subject to removal from our systems according to the following schedule:

  • T+1 month: all data purged from delivery storage.

  • T+2 months = S: subread data purged from primary storage.

  • S+14 days: subread data purged from backup storage.
    Subread data is completely gone/unrecoverable at this point!

  • T+6 months = H: HiFi/CCS & other analysis data purged from primary storage.

  • H+14 days: HiFi/CCS & other analysis data purged from backup storage.
    HiFi/CCS & other analysis data is completely gone/unrecoverable at this point!

Therefore, if you need more time to retrieve and/or validate your data, please notify us as soon as possible.  We are happy to extend further time to you.  You may reply to the e-mail or contact the administrator directly at: FTPAdmin@FTP.Genome.Arizona.EDU.


AGI's secure FTP service, connected to the Internet2 backbone at 10-gigabits/second, was the primary method used for data delivery.  It remains available for any client requiring the specialized access only it can provide.  Otherwise, we are now recommending and using Globus as the primary data delivery method.

Besides FTP and Globus, we also have other delivery methods available.  Please see the corresponding section in the attached Data Delivery PDF for more details.


AGI Data Download Instructions.pdf

AGI Data Download Instructions.pdf

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Data Download & Delivery document exported from LibreOffice Writer.  The FTP Certificate is embedded within it. 



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Provide this certificate file to your application (such as Wget or LFTP) in order to establish a secure TLS connection with our server.  This certificate is also conveniently embedded in the Instructions PDF file.  After saving, remove the _.txt extension from the file name to ensure it's properly recognized by your application.